Greetings to all the Readers of Ntshebele News Paper, Those who are in Christ, allow me to say to You that this is the day the Lord has made, Rejoice,Rejoice and I say Rejoice For Jesus is our  hope of Glory. 

Psalms 119:9-16)

  When the temptation to sin creeps into our lives, I’m sure most of us have wondered, “How can I keep myself pure?” This very question was presented, and answered, by King David in Psalm 119:9-16. Here, David gives several answers to this question. Lets notice the first 5 things that David determined to do that helped him stay pure.

1. His simple answer to the question was: “By guarding it according to Your word” (v. 9). A guard is alert and watchful. They stand in the way to keep harm from entering or sometimes from getting out. David said we must guard our way, not according to our own plans, but according to God’s word.

2. “With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments!” (v. 10). In order to keep your way pure, you must seek God wholeheartedly. When your whole heart is set on something, it affects every aspect of your life.  Your simplest decisions are made with that object in mind. When we seek God wholeheartedly we won’t wander from His commandments.

3.  “I have stored up Your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you” (v. 11). Here, David stressed the importance of learning God’s word…so that you can always keep His ways on your mind. The more time and devotion that we give to Bible study, the closer we will be to becoming people after “God’s own heart” like David was (Acts 13:22). When the Word in our hearts, and not just on the pages of our Bibles, it becomes harder for us to sin against God. 

4.  “Blessed are you, O Lord; teach me your statutes!” (v. 12). If you want to keep your way pure, it is necessary for you to desire to know and obey God’s commands. You can’t be like a kid who says “as long as I don’t learn all the rules, I’m not responsible for following them.” We must love God enough that we long to sit at His feet and learn.

5.  “With my lips I declare all the rules of your mouth” (v. 13). You’ll keep your life pure when God and His word are so important to you that you will be compelled to tell others about them.  When you long to tell others of God’s love in the same way you long to tell them about your most prized possessions, you will be on your way to leading a pure life.


For those who need prayers, Deliverance and Counselling and many more please contact Bishop Magwai on the following
Cell –0764940963
Facebook -Douglas Magwai
Let me Take this time to thank my sister  in the Lord,who has helped me in editing this sermon to transform you,my sister Kgaugelo Eunice Skosana.May God increase you abundantly in Jesus name

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