The South African Depression and Anxiety Group(SADAG) hosted a press briefing on Tuesday in honour of World Suicide Prevention Day.

According to World Health Organization(WHO), suicide is a major public health challenge with more than 700 000 deaths each year globally.

The triennial theme for World Suicide Prevention Day for 2024, 2025 and 2026 is “Changing the Narrative on Suicide” and the call to action is “Start the Conversation”.

World Suicide Prevention Day was established in 2003 by the International Association for Suicide Prevention working with WHO.

The 10th of September each year aims to focus attention on the issue, reduces stigma and raises awareness among organisations, governments and the public, giving a singular message that suicide is preventable.

In South Africa, SADAG said the focus is on Teen Suicide Prevention, which is a critical issue in communities.

Research says 23 people commit suicide daily in South Africa and people who have mental illnesses often suffer in silence.

Nicolle Sorrell: Organisational Psychologist, said mental illness is a silent and invisible challenge where victims do not speak out because of fear or the feeling of guilt and shame.

“What is required is a much deeper transformation. We need to cultivate a culture where there is true acceptance, understanding, empathy and authentic listening.

This needs to be the role model for the leaders and all the way down”, she said.

The youngest person to commit suicide in South Africa was a 6 year old boy who hanged himself in a school bathroom in 2017 in Limpopo.

The Grade 1 learner from a school in Seshego requested to go to the bathroom and when he failed to return back to the class, another learner was sent to go and look for him.

It was then that the gruesome discovery was made.

SADAG has a toll free line: 0800567567, with dedicated volunteers who have background in Psychology, Social Work or Counselling. They also go through extensive crisis management training.

Photo by cottonbro studio:

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